In addition to celebrating our LGBTQ+ sisters in business this June, we want to bring attention to the disparities they face in the journey up the career ladder to those C-Suite and senior leadership positions, because the fight for equity is far from over. Did you know that, according to Catalyst, just .4% of Fortune 500 board seats are held by openly LGBTQ+ directors? And that’s all LGBTQ+ individuals, not just women.

The lack of LGBTQ+ leadership in business goes all the way down the professional ladder, especially for women. Less than half of gay women and just 20% of bisexual women are out to all their coworkers, according to Catalyst.

Ensuring everyone has the space and support to be themselves in the workplace now is how we will see more diverse leadership in the future. It’s important to support and uplift LGBTQ+ women in the workplace, creating a more inclusive and diverse environment for all.

Let’s use this month to not only celebrate but also advocate for equality and acceptance for all members of the LGBTQ+ community in the business world. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable world for everyone.

Below, you will find resources to educate yourself about the experiences of LGBTQ+ women in the workplace and how we can be better advocates for our sisters in the LGBTQ+ community. You’ll also find additional educational resources about other communities also impacted by marginalization, because we must all come together in the fight for equality in the business landscape.