GDPR Statement

C200 takes the protection of your personal information seriously. With recent and impending changes to the technology used by the organization, please find below an update of how your personal information may be used, stored, and processed. This updated information is being provided to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation “GDPR”.
Basic information relating to data protection
Controller The Committee of 200 (C200) a non-profit charitable organization with members.
Purpose To encourage and facilitate the sharing off members’ expertise, experience, networks and leadership to educate, inspire, support and advance women leaders in business – for the benefit of its members and the broader community of current and future women business leaders.
Legal basis Your consent is assumed by continued membership or engagement with C200.

Your personal data may be accessed by 3rd party data processors providing data management services, email, mail, print publications, web page or online directory information.

Your personal data includes information such as your name, birth data, personal and professional affiliations you have supplied to us, address, phone number, mailing or billing address, title and position or affiliation and photo if so supplied.

Specifically, we share your information with the following processors:

MemberSuite, Inc. that stores and allows us to process your information for such purposes as event registration, donations, councils/forums, membership data, or online directories. There privacy policy is located here.

MailChimp which sends emails (and allows opt-outs) of special interest and announcements. We supply only email address and name and professional affiliation information for the purpose of informational emails. Their privacy policy can be found here.

Govenda where Board Members share Board meeting information, decided action items and notes.  Their privacy policy can be found here.

Blue Pay, part of First Data, a global financial technology corporation, where credit card payments are processed. Their privacy policy can be found here.

Front & Social that provides technology, digital marketing, and website services for integrated features and/or use on the C200 website or other marketing platforms. Their privacy policy can be found here. which assists with website and member database services, such as SSO (single-sign-on) programming. Their privacy policy can be found here.

Various printing companies which may print membership directories or newsletters.  We supply only your email address, name, city, photo, phone and recent professional affiliations as provided by you. For questions on privacy regarding these vendors, please email

For PR and other communication and marketing needs, we engage with Media Minefield. Information to contact them and on their data policy can be found here.

Other platforms and technology are suggested and/or promoted for use to engage with peers, members, and/or to contribute to the mission of the organization. These third-party websites or technology are accessed at the discretion of the user, but include Slack whose privacy policy can be found here and Zoom whose privacy policy can be found here.

Equilar to assist in furthering the organizational mission. Their privacy policy can be found here.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, under no circumstances will your personal data be passed on to any other entity without your consent.

C200 stores information only in the United States and does not transfer data to organizations or entities in other countries.  If you are accessing our web site from outside of the United States, then the data is being transferred to your computer at your request.

The right to erasure — You have the right to request that The Committee of 200 erase your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that The Committee of 200 restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to The Committee of 200’s processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to data portability – You have the right to request that The Committee of 200 transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any

of these rights, please contact us at our email:

Call us at: 312-255-0296

Or write to us: 

65 E. Wacker Place
Suite 510
Chicago, IL 60601

Additional and more detailed information regarding the processing of your personal data is available in our privacy policy located here.

As a non-profit organization with members, the security of your personal data is of paramount concern to us.  We never transfer more than the minimal required information needed to perform our servicing of your membership and dedication to our mission to third parties.

Should you need more information, please contact us at the following email address:

Thank you for being part of our community.


Last Updated: 5/10/24